

I have an announcement to make to all the young men in these families.
It has been determined that you be called to serve in the following ways. First to help protect our city from those who wish to harm us the following young men have been called to the WHISTLING AND WHITTLING BRIGADE
Ben Jarvis
Josh Davis
John Garbero
Dillon Jacob
Cole Harris
Tyler Bishop
Next there are Saints that have been unable to get onto their rightfully purchased lands and homes in Jackson County and we need to following men to be ready to go and help them get back into their homes. We have no idea how long you will be away from your families. You will be lead by the Prophet Joseph Smith in…ZION’S CAMP
Shane Frazier
Eli Harris
Jake Hughes
Jake Bishop
Alex Binns
Connor Black
And finally the following men will be ready to be set apart as missionaries to teach the gospel in England for three years
Brian Witt
Aaron Muschelli
Noah Bozue
Nick Bonner
Colter Taylor
Matt Colombo

Megan, Katie, Sister Lyon, Jake and Connor

Laura Bonner listens to the Nauvoo Band where a friend of hers is serving a mission.

JP Truitt, Nick, Brittany and Laura represented the Hoyt Family.

Allyssa, Kali, Kim, Sydney and McKinzie...children of the corn.

They look happy!

Every girl in Nauvoo...

...wanted a "Prairie Diamond"

The girls went to the gardens where statues represented the strength of women in their divinely designed roles.

Aren't they adorable?











McKinzie. Thanks to Sister Brazier for making the beautiful veils. This was fun!

1 comment:

Sydney said...

That was sooo Much Fun!!!
Thank you so much for organizing it!!!!