
Media & Music


Anonymous said...


Tait said...

I think this can apply to any type of media. Just because there isn't a "R" rating on a TV show or movie doesn't make the material appropriate. The adversary doesn't disguise himself only in R rated movies, he is there in commericals, cartoons,song lyrics and etc. I like the quote, Don't let your mind me a dumping ground for other people's garbage.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Alma. Its hard to not be in the mindset that only R movies are the problem. There are so many movies that are PG-13 that are not appropriate for us to watch because all it is doing is getting us off a few degrees like we learned from Sister Frazier. In the end you wonder if its really worth it. There's so much other media that uplifts you that you can decide to watch or listen to.

Anonymous said...

Satan really tries to trap the youth with the media. That's why we should avoid inappropriate music, movies, and video games so we can avoid Satan's grasp.

Anonymous said...


just because the cover looks ok and the rating isnt all that great doesnt mean its a good game. we should stay away from anything that will harm us. life is too short and too sweet to say if it is as bad as ith sounds i can return. we need to not defile our bodies with things that are not pure. live life as if heavenly father or jesus is standing beside you. they love you so choose the right and do whats right.