
Scriptures- A spirtual search engine

Google is the world's number 1 search engine, but what if we made the scriptures our personal search engine? Everyday we turn on the computer and surf the web. We are able to search the news, weather, sports,fashion, movies, and email.
What if reading the scriptures could be done as easily and frequently as checking our email and surfing the web? Well thanks to technology this can be done in a simple step. You could make
http://scriptures.lds.org/ your homepage. (Google has nothing on this search engine.) This site will always give you the best results from a reliable source and it contains material for both children and adults.
Now when you log in in to your computer you can make reading the scriptures part of your daily routine.


Anonymous said...

I read my scriptures today because the opening page is changed to lds.org. My parents read too.

Anonymous said...

Its funny how it is kind of hard to read your scriptures till you open them and start to read. Then it is kind of hard to stop.

Anonymous said...

Why does President Hinckley believe reading the Book of Mormon will be so beneficial to each of us? He states:

" 'Its appeal is as timeless as truth, as universal as mankind. It is the only book that contains within its covers a promise that by divine power the reader may know with certainty of its truth.

" 'Its origin is miraculous. . . . No one can dispute its presence'

Anonymous said...

When I read 5 verses a day it takes me less than 5 minutes. I can take that much time every day with no problem.

Anonymous said...

-- My mom told me about her personal scripture experience on Sunday. In December of '05 my grandma was diagnosed with a type of incurable cancer, stage 4B. In July, the doctors told her that she had only about 3 weeks to live, and she was put into Hospice care. This was infinitely hard for my mom, and she needed the scriptures more than ever. She needed them as much as she needed food + water. Probably as much as her cell phone. Even after my grandma passed away, she got through it, with a lot of help from Heavenly Father and the scriptures. Hopefully, we will rely on our scriptures that much in our time of need!!